Document distributed transaction support

See gh-947
This commit is contained in:
Phillip Webb 2014-08-26 17:27:34 -07:00
parent 85cfd016a6
commit 40d8dde202
3 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -205,6 +205,10 @@ content into your application; rather pick only the properties that you need.
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto= # defaults to create-drop for embedded dbs # if spring data repository support is enabled
# JTA ({sc-spring-boot-autoconfigure}/jta/JtaAutoConfiguration.{sc-ext}[JtaAutoConfiguration])
spring.jta.log-dir= # transaction log dir
spring.jta.*= # technology specific configuration
# SOLR ({sc-spring-boot-autoconfigure}/solr/SolrProperties.{sc-ext}[SolrProperties}])

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@ -1874,6 +1874,83 @@ own beans:
== Distributed Transactions with JTA
Spring Boot supports distributed JTA transactions across multiple XA resources using
either an[Atomkos] or[Bitronix] embedded transaction manager. JTA
transactions are also supported when deploying to a suitable Java EE Application Server.
When a JTA environment is detected, Spring's `JtaTransactionManager` will be used to manage
transactions. Auto-configured JMS, DataSource and JPA beans will be upgraded to support
XA transactions. You can use standard Spring idioms such as `@Transactional` to
participate in a distributed transaction.
=== Using an Atomikos transaction manager
Atomikos is a popular open source transaction manager which can be embedded into your
Spring Boot application. You can use the `spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos` Starter POM to
pull in the appropriate Atomikos libraries. Spring Boot will auto-configure Atomikos and
ensure that appropriate `depends-on` settings are applied to your Spring Beans for correct
startup and shutdown ordering.
By default Atomikos transaction logs will be written to a `transaction-logs` folder in
your application home directory (the directory in which your application jar file
resides). You can customize this directory by setting a `spring.jta.log-dir` property in
your `` file. Properties starting `spring.jta.` can also be used to
customize the Atomikos `UserTransactionServiceIml`. See the
{dc-spring-boot}/jta/atomikos/AtomikosProperties.{dc-ext}[`AtomikosProperties` javadoc]
for complete details.
=== Using a Bitronix transaction manager
Bitronix is another popular open source JTA transaction manager implementation. You can
use the `spring-boot-starter-jta-bitronix` starter POM to add the appropriate Birtronix
dependencies to your project. As with Atomikos, Spring Boot will automatically configure
Bitronix and post-process your beans to ensure that startup and shutdown ordering is
By default Bitronix transaction log files (`part1.btm` and `part2.btm`) will be written to
a `transaction-logs` folder in your application home directory. You can customize this
directory by using the `spring.jta.log-dir` property. Properties starting `spring.jta.`
are also bound to the `` bean, allowing for complete
customization. See the[Bitronix
documentation] for details.
=== Using a Java EE managed transaction manager
If you are packaging your Spring Boot application as a `war` or `ear` file and deploying
it to a Java EE application server, you can use your application servers built-in
transaction manager. Spring Boot will attempt to auto-configure a transaction manager by
looking at common JNDI locations (`java:comp/UserTransaction`,
`java:comp/TransactionManager` etc). If you are using a transaction service provided by
your application server, you will generally also want to ensure that all resources are
managed by the server and exposed over JNDI. Spring Boot will attempt to auto-configure
JMS by looking for a `ConnectionFactory` at the JNDI path `java:/JmsXA` and you can use
the <<boot-features-connecting-to-a-jndi-datasource, `spring.datasource.jndi-name` property>>
to configure your `DataSource`.
=== Supporting an alternative embedded transaction manager
The {sc-spring-boot}/jta/XAConnectionFactoryWrapper.{sc-ext}[`XAConnectionFactoryWrapper`]
and {sc-spring-boot}/jta/XADataSourceWrapper.{sc-ext}[`XADataSourceWrapper`] interfaces
can be used to support alternative embedded transaction managers. The interfaces are
responsible for wrapping `XAConnectionFactory` and `XADataSource` beans and exposing them
as regular `ConnectionFactory` and `DataSource` beans which will transparently enroll in
the distributed transaction. DataSource and JMS auto-configuration will use JTA variants
as long as you have a `JtaTransactionManager` bean and appropriate XA wrapper beans
registered within your `ApplicationContext`
The {sc-spring-boot}/jta/BitronixXAConnectionFactoryWrapper.{sc-ext}[BitronixXAConnectionFactoryWrapper]
and {sc-spring-boot}/jta/BitronixXADataSourceWrapper.{sc-ext}[BitronixXADataSourceWrapper]
provide good examples of how to write XA wrappers.
== Spring Integration
Spring Integration provides abstractions over messaging and also other transports such as

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@ -255,6 +255,12 @@ and Hibernate.
|JDBC Database support.
|Support for JTA distributed transactions via Atomikos.
|Support for JTA distributed transactions via Bitronix.
|Support for `spring-mobile`