Fix Groovy templates ViewResolver class name and id in How-to docs

Closes gh-2846
This commit is contained in:
Kamil Szymanski 2015-04-19 13:47:53 +02:00 committed by Andy Wilkinson
parent 71ce0f6c95
commit 88d03b76e9

View File

@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ added.
and `spring.freemarker.suffix`, with empty and '`.ftl`' defaults respectively). It can
be overridden by providing a bean of the same name.
* If you use Groovy templates (actually if groovy-templates is on your classpath) you will
also have a `Groovy TemplateViewResolver` with id '`groovyTemplateViewResolver`'. It
also have a `GroovyMarkupViewResolver` with id '`groovyMarkupViewResolver`'. It
looks for resources in a loader path by surrounding the view name with a prefix and
suffix (externalized to `spring.groovy.template.prefix` and
`spring.groovy.template.suffix`, defaults '`classpath:/templates/`' and '`.tpl`'