Format production-ready-features.adoc to 90 chars

Remove extraneous white space and adjusted the length of non-code lines
to be as close to 90 characters (but not over 90 characters) as

Update a couple things I missed in the editing pass, too.

Closes gh-10897
This commit is contained in:
Jay Bryant 2017-11-02 15:01:43 -05:00 committed by Phillip Webb
parent 92e0eb0230
commit 9fc9c55c90

View File

@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ Actuator endpoints let you monitor and interact with your application. Spring Bo
includes a number of built-in endpoints and lets you add your own. For example, the
`health` endpoint provides basic application health information.
The way that endpoints are exposed depends on the type of technology that you choose. Most
applications choose HTTP monitoring, where the ID of the endpoint along with a prefix of
`/application` is mapped to a URL. For example, by default, the `health` endpoint is
mapped to `/application/health`.
The way that endpoints are exposed depends on the type of technology that you choose.
Most applications choose HTTP monitoring, where the ID of the endpoint along with a
prefix of `/application` is mapped to a URL. For example, by default, the `health`
endpoint is mapped to `/application/health`.
The following technology-agnostic endpoints are available:
@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ user authentication. When '`Spring Security`' is added, by default, '`basic`'
authentication is used. The username is`user` and the password is a random generated
password (which is printed on the console when the application starts).
TIP: Generated passwords are logged as the application starts. To find the password in the
console, search for '`Using default security password`'.
TIP: Generated passwords are logged as the application starts. To find the password in
the console, search for '`Using default security password`'.
You can use Spring properties to change the username and password and to change the
security role(s) required to access the endpoints. For example, you might set the
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ following properties in your ``:
If your application has custom security configuration and you want all your actuator
endpoints to be accessible without authentication, you need to explicitly configure that
in your security configuration. Also, you need to change the ``
property to `false`.
in your security configuration. Also, you need to change the
`` property to `false`.
If your custom security configuration secures your actuator endpoints, you also need to
ensure that the authenticated user has the roles specified under
@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ additional role check.
=== Customizing Endpoints
Endpoints can be customized by using Spring properties. You can change whether an endpoint
is `enabled` and its `id`.
Endpoints can be customized by using Spring properties. You can change whether an
endpoint is `enabled` and its `id`.
For example, the following `` changes the id of the `beans` endpoint
and also enables `shutdown`:
For example, the following `` changes the id of the `beans`
endpoint and also enables `shutdown`:
@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ and also enables `shutdown`:
NOTE: The prefix ‟`endpoints` + `.` + `name`” is used to uniquely identify the endpoint
that is being configured.
By default, all endpoints except for `shutdown` are enabled. If you prefer to specifically
"`opt-in`" endpoint enablement, you can use the `endpoints.default.enabled` property. For
example, the following settings disables _all_ endpoints except for `info`:
By default, all endpoints except for `shutdown` are enabled. If you prefer to
specifically "`opt-in`" endpoint enablement, you can use the `endpoints.default.enabled`
property. For example, the following settings disables _all_ endpoints except for `info`:
@ -272,29 +272,29 @@ application, over HTTP as well.
TIP: If you do this as a library feature, consider adding a configuration class annotated
with `@ManagementContextConfiguration` to `/META-INF/spring.factories` under the key,
`org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.ManagementContextConfiguration`. If you do
so and if your users ask for a separate management port or address, the endpoint moves to
a child context with all the other web endpoints.
`org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.ManagementContextConfiguration`. If you
do so and if your users ask for a separate management port or address, the endpoint moves
to a child context with all the other web endpoints.
=== Health Information
You can use health information to check the status of your running application. It is
often used by monitoring software to alert someone when a production system goes down. The
default information exposed by the `health` endpoint depends on how it is accessed. For an
unauthenticated connection in a secure application, a simple '`status`' message is
often used by monitoring software to alert someone when a production system goes down.
The default information exposed by the `health` endpoint depends on how it is accessed.
For an unauthenticated connection in a secure application, a simple '`status`' message is
returned. For an authenticated connection, additional details are also displayed. (See
<<production-ready-health-access-restrictions>> for HTTP details.)
Health information is collected from all
{sc-spring-boot-actuator}/health/HealthIndicator.{sc-ext}[`HealthIndicator`] beans defined
in your `ApplicationContext`. Spring Boot includes a number of auto-configured
`HealthIndicators`, and you can also write your own. By default, the final system state is
derived by the `HealthAggregator`, which sorts the statuses from each `HealthIndicator`
based on an ordered list of statuses. The first status in the sorted list is used as the
overall health status. If no `HealthIndicator` returns a status that is known to the
`HealthAggregator`, an `UNKNOWN` status is used.
{sc-spring-boot-actuator}/health/HealthIndicator.{sc-ext}[`HealthIndicator`] beans
defined in your `ApplicationContext`. Spring Boot includes a number of auto-configured
`HealthIndicators`, and you can also write your own. By default, the final system state
is derived by the `HealthAggregator`, which sorts the statuses from each
`HealthIndicator` based on an ordered list of statuses. The first status in the sorted
list is used as the overall health status. If no `HealthIndicator` returns a status that
is known to the `HealthAggregator`, an `UNKNOWN` status is used.
@ -373,12 +373,13 @@ NOTE: The identifier for a given `HealthIndicator` is the name of the bean witho
`HealthIndicator` suffix, if it exists. In the preceding example, the health information
is available in an entry named `my`.
In addition to Spring Boot's predefined {sc-spring-boot-actuator}/health/Status.{sc-ext}[`Status`]
types, it is also possible for `Health` to return a custom `Status` that represents a new
system state. In such cases, a custom implementation of the
In addition to Spring Boot's predefined
{sc-spring-boot-actuator}/health/Status.{sc-ext}[`Status`] types, it is also possible for
`Health` to return a custom `Status` that represents a new system state. In such cases, a
custom implementation of the
{sc-spring-boot-actuator}/health/HealthAggregator.{sc-ext}[`HealthAggregator`] interface
also needs to be provided, or the default implementation has to be configured by using the
`` configuration property.
also needs to be provided, or the default implementation has to be configured by using
the `` configuration property.
For example, assume a new `Status` with code `FATAL` is being used in one of your
`HealthIndicator` implementations. To configure the severity order, add the following
@ -389,8 +390,8 @@ to your application properties:, DOWN, OUT_OF_SERVICE, UNKNOWN, UP
The HTTP status code in the response reflects the overall health status (for example, `UP`
maps to 200, while `OUT_OF_SERVICE` and `DOWN` map to 503). You might also want to
The HTTP status code in the response reflects the overall health status (for example,
`UP` maps to 200, while `OUT_OF_SERVICE` and `DOWN` map to 503). You might also want to
register custom status mappings if you access the health endpoint over HTTP. For example,
the following property maps `FATAL` to 503 (service unavailable):
@ -454,8 +455,8 @@ property.
==== Custom Application Information
You can customize the data exposed by the `info` endpoint by setting `+info.*+` Spring
properties. All `Environment` properties under the info key are automatically exposed. For
example, you could add the following settings to your `` file:
properties. All `Environment` properties under the info key are automatically exposed.
For example, you could add the following settings to your `` file:
@ -485,8 +486,8 @@ Assuming you use Maven, you could rewrite the preceding example as follows:
==== Git Commit Information
Another useful feature of the `info` endpoint is its ability to publish information about
the state of your `git` source code repository when the project was built. If a
`GitProperties` bean is available, the `git.branch`, `` and `git.commit.time`
properties are exposed.
`GitProperties` bean is available, the `git.branch`, `` and
`git.commit.time` properties are exposed.
TIP: A `GitProperties` bean is auto-configured if a `` file is available at
the root of the classpath. See
@ -504,9 +505,9 @@ If you want to display the full git information (that is, the full content of
==== Build Information
If a `BuildProperties` bean is available, the `info` endpoint can also publish information
about your build. This happens if a `META-INF/` file is available in
the classpath.
If a `BuildProperties` bean is available, the `info` endpoint can also publish
information about your build. This happens if a `META-INF/` file is
available in the classpath.
TIP: The Maven and Gradle plugins can both generate that file. See
"<<howto.adoc#howto-build-info,Generate build information>>" for more details.
@ -564,10 +565,10 @@ exposed as `/application/health`.
=== Customizing the Management Endpoint Paths
Sometimes, it is useful to customize the prefix for the management endpoints. For example,
your application might already use `/application` for another purpose. You can use the
`management.endpoints.web.base-path` property to change the prefix for your management
endpoint, as shown in the following example:
Sometimes, it is useful to customize the prefix for the management endpoints. For
example, your application might already use `/application` for another purpose. You can
use the `management.endpoints.web.base-path` property to change the prefix for your
management endpoint, as shown in the following example:
@ -591,18 +592,18 @@ Exposing management endpoints by using the default HTTP port is a sensible choic
cloud based deployments. If, however, your application runs inside your own data center,
you may prefer to expose endpoints by using a different HTTP port.
You can set the `management.server.port` property to change the HTTP port, as shown in the
following example:
You can set the `management.server.port` property to change the HTTP port, as shown in
the following example:
Since your management port is often protected by a firewall and not exposed to the public,
you might not need security on the management endpoints, even if your main application is
secure. In that case, you should have Spring Security on the classpath, and you can
disable management security as follows:
Since your management port is often protected by a firewall and not exposed to the
public, you might not need security on the management endpoints, even if your main
application is secure. In that case, you should have Spring Security on the classpath,
and you can disable management security as follows:
@ -682,10 +683,10 @@ If you do not want to expose endpoints over HTTP, you can set the management por
=== HTTP Health Endpoint Format and Access Restrictions
The information exposed by the health endpoint varies, depending on whether it is accessed
anonymously and whether the enclosing application is secure. By default, when accessed
anonymously in a secure application, any details about the server's health are hidden and
the endpoint indicates whether the server is up or down.
The information exposed by the health endpoint varies, depending on whether it is
accessed anonymously and whether the enclosing application is secure. By default, when
accessed anonymously in a secure application, any details about the server's health are
hidden and the endpoint indicates whether the server is up or down.
The following example shows a summarized HTTP response (default for anonymous request):
@ -745,8 +746,8 @@ The following example shows a detailed HTTP response:
== Monitoring and Management over JMX
Java Management Extensions (JMX) provide a standard mechanism to monitor and manage
applications. By default, Spring Boot exposes management endpoints as JMX MBeans under the
`org.springframework.boot` domain.
applications. By default, Spring Boot exposes management endpoints as JMX MBeans under
the `org.springframework.boot` domain.
@ -831,9 +832,9 @@ If you use Jolokia but do not want Spring Boot to configure it, set the
== Loggers
Spring Boot Actuator includes the ability to view and configure the log levels of your
application at runtime. You can view either the entire list or an individual logger's
configuration, which is made up of both the explicitly configured logging level as well as
the effective logging level given to it by the logging framework. These levels can be one
configuration, which is made up of both the explicitly configured logging level as well
as the effective logging level given to it by the logging framework. These levels can be
one of:
@ -879,9 +880,9 @@ monitoring systems:
Micrometer provides a separate module for each supported monitoring system. Depending on
one (or more) of these modules is sufficient to get started with Micrometer in your Spring
Boot application. To learn more about Micrometer's capabilities, please refer to its[reference documentation].
one (or more) of these modules is sufficient to get started with Micrometer in your
Spring Boot application. To learn more about Micrometer's capabilities, please refer to
its[reference documentation].
@ -889,8 +890,8 @@[reference documentation].
=== Spring MVC Metrics
Auto-configuration enables the instrumentation of requests handled by Spring MVC. When
`` is `true`, this instrumentation occurs for
all requests. Alternatively, when set to `false`, you can enable instrumentation by adding
`@Timed` to a request-handling method.
all requests. Alternatively, when set to `false`, you can enable instrumentation by
adding `@Timed` to a request-handling method.
By default, metrics are generated with the name, `http.server.requests`. The name can be
customized by setting the `spring.metrics.web.server.requests-metrics-name` property.
@ -970,10 +971,10 @@ following information:
=== DataSource metrics
Auto-configuration will enable the instrumentation of all available `DataSources` with a
metric named `data.source`. Data source instrumentation results in gauges representing the
currently active, maximum allowed, and minimum allowed connections in the pool. Each of
these gauges has a name which is prefixed by `data.source` by default. The prefix can be
be customized using the `spring.metrics.jdbc.datasource-metric-name` property.
metric named `data.source`. Data source instrumentation results in gauges representing
the currently active, maximum allowed, and minimum allowed connections in the pool. Each
of these gauges has a name which is prefixed by `data.source` by default. The prefix can
be customized by using the `spring.metrics.jdbc.datasource-metric-name` property.
Metrics will also be tagged by the name of the `DataSource` computed based on the bean
@ -1126,8 +1127,8 @@ and logged.
By default, an `InMemoryTraceRepository` that stores the last 100 events is used. If you
need to expand the capacity, you can define your own instance of the
`InMemoryTraceRepository` bean. You can also create your own alternative `TraceRepository`
`InMemoryTraceRepository` bean. You can also create your own alternative
`TraceRepository` implementation.
@ -1136,11 +1137,11 @@ implementation.
In the `spring-boot` module, you can find two classes to create files that are often
useful for process monitoring:
* `ApplicationPidFileWriter` creates a file containing the application PID (by default, in
the application directory with the file name, ``).
* `ApplicationPidFileWriter` creates a file containing the application PID (by default,
in the application directory with the file name, ``).
* `EmbeddedServerPortFileWriter` creates a file (or files) containing the ports of the
embedded server (by default, in the application directory with the file name
embedded server (by default, in the application directory with the file name
By default, these writers are not activated, but you can enable them in one of the ways
described in the next section.