Drop Cloudbees PaaS documentation

Remove the Cloudbees section since they are shutting down their PaaS.

Fixes gh-2105
This commit is contained in:
Phillip Webb 2014-12-09 23:30:06 -08:00
parent e5295c0142
commit a0ce04ac4b

View File

@ -224,18 +224,6 @@ Your application should now be up and running on Heroku.
== CloudBees
CloudBees provides cloud-based "`continuous integration`" and "`continuous delivery`"
services as well as Java PaaS hosting. https://github.com/msgilligan[Sean Gilligan]
has contributed an excellent
https://github.com/CloudBees-community/springboot-gradle-cloudbees-sample[Spring Boot
sample application] to the CloudBees community GitHub repository. The project includes
an extensive https://github.com/CloudBees-community/springboot-gradle-cloudbees-sample/blob/master/README.asciidoc[README]
that covers the steps that you need to follow when deploying to CloudBees.
== Openshift
https://www.openshift.com/[Openshift] is the RedHat public (and enterprise) PaaS solution.
@ -311,7 +299,7 @@ of this guide.
== What to read next
Check out the http://www.cloudfoundry.com/[Cloud Foundry], https://www.heroku.com/[Heroku]
and http://www.cloudbees.com[CloudBees] web sites for more information about the kinds of
and https://www.openshift.com[Openshift] web sites for more information about the kinds of
features that a PaaS can offer. These are just three of the most popular Java PaaS
providers, since Spring Boot is so amenable to cloud-based deployment you're free to
consider other providers as well.