Fixup asciidoc formatting and links

This commit is contained in:
Phillip Webb 2014-03-26 13:12:18 -07:00
parent bae26e2c07
commit aa3f0556dc

View File

@ -794,13 +794,13 @@ The auto-configuration adds the following features on top of Spring's defaults:
* Static `index.html` support.
* Custom `Favicon` support.
If you want to take complete control of Spring MVC you can add your
own `@Configuration` annotated with `@EnableWebMvc`. If you want the
Boot features, and just want to add additional [normal MVC
like interceptors, formatters, view controllers etc, you can simply
add your own `@Bean` of type `WebMvcConfigurerAdapter` (like normal
MVC), but don't forget *not* to add `@EnableWebMvc`.
If you want to take complete control of Spring MVC, you can add your own `@Configuration`
annotated with `@EnableWebMvc`. If you want to keep Spring Boot MVC features, and
you just want to add additional {spring-reference}#mvc[MVC configuration] (interceptors,
formatters, view controllers etc.) you can add your own `@Bean` of type
`WebMvcConfigurerAdapter`, but *without* `@EnableWebMvc`.
==== HttpMessageConverters