More updated howtos

This commit is contained in:
Dave Syer 2013-11-29 09:46:10 +00:00
parent 19fa5b9af6
commit e28e6d9593

View File

@ -41,6 +41,22 @@ Javadocs. Some rules of thumb:
on and off in response to SpEL expressions, normally evaluated with
placeholders resolved from the `Environment`.
## Add a Servlet, Filter or ServletContextListener to an Application
`Servlet`, `Filter`, `ServletContextListener` and the other listeners
supported by the Servlet spec can be added to your application as
`@Bean` definitions. Be very careful that they don't cause eager
initialization of too many other beans because they have to be
installed in th container very early in the application lifecycle
(e.g. it's not a good idea to have them depend on your `DataSource` or
JPA configuration). You can work around restrictions like that by
initializing them lazily when first used instead of on initialization.
In the case of `Filters` and `Servlets` you can also add mappings and
init parameters by adding a `FilterRegistrationBean` or
`ServletRegistrationBean` instead of or as well as the underlying
## Configure Tomcat
Generally you can follow the advice [here](#discover.options) about
@ -62,6 +78,45 @@ are quite rich so once you have access to the
of ways. Or the nuclear option is to add your own
## Terminate SSL in Tomcat
Add a `EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer` and in that add a
`TomcatConnectorCustomizer` that sets up the connector to be secure:
public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer containerCustomizer(){
return new EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) {
if(factory instanceof TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory){
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory containerFactory = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) factory;
containerFactory.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
public void customize(Connector connector) {
connector.setAttribute("keyAlias", "tomcat");
connector.setAttribute("keystorePass", "password");
try {
connector.setAttribute("keystoreFile", ResourceUtils.getFile("src/ssl/tomcat.keystore").getAbsolutePath());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load keystore", e);
connector.setAttribute("clientAuth", "false");
connector.setAttribute("sslProtocol", "TLS");
connector.setAttribute("SSLEnabled", true);
## Reload Static Content (E.g. Thymeleaf Templates) Without Restarting the Container
If you are using Thymeleaf, then set
@ -195,7 +250,6 @@ Applications that are not already Spring applications might be
convertible to a Spring Boot application, and the guidance above might
help, but your mileage may vary.
## Serve Static Content
Spring Boot by default will serve static content from a folder called
@ -252,6 +306,23 @@ For more detail look at the
source code.
## Customize "Whitelabel" Error Page
The Actuator installs a "whitelabel" error page that you will see in
browser client if you encounter a server error (machine clients
consuming JSON and other media types should see a sensible response
with the right error code). To switch it off you can set
`error.whitelabel.enabled=false`, but normally in addition or
alternatively to that you will want to add your own error page
replacing the whitelabel one. If you are using Thymeleaf you can do
this by adding an "error.html" template. In general what you need is a
`View` that resolves with a name of "error", and/or a `@Controller`
that handles the "/error" path. Unless you replaced some of the
default configuration you should find a `BeanNameViewResolver` in your
`ApplicationContext` so a `@Bean` with id "error" would be a simple
way of doing that. Look at `ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration` for more
## Use 'Short' Command Line Arguments
Some people like to use (for example) `--port=9000` instead of
@ -361,6 +432,89 @@ to load an `ApplicationContext` via a `DispatcherServlet`.
TODO: add some detail.
## Configure a DataSource
Spring Boot will create a `DataSource` for you if you have
`spring-jdbc` and some other things on the classpath. Here's the
algorithm for choosing a specific implementation.
* We prefer the Tomcat pooling `DataSource` for its performance and
concurrency, so if that is available we always choose it.
* If commons-dbcp is available we will use that, but we don't
recommend it in production.
* If neither of those is available but an embedded database is then we
create one of those for you (preference order is h2, then Apache
Derby, then hsqldb).
The pooling `DataSource` option is controlled by external
configuration properties in `spring.datasource.*` for example:
spring.datasource.url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
spring.datasource.username: root
spring.datasource.driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
The `@ConfigurationProperties` for `spring.datasource` are defined in
`AbstractDataSourceConfiguration` (so see there for more options).
For a pooling `DataSource` to be created we need to be able to verify
that a valid `Driver` class is available, so we check for that before
doing anything. I.e. if you set
`spring.datasource.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver` then that
class has to be loadable.
To override the default settings just define a `@Bean` of your own of
type `DataSource`. See
for more details.
## Use Spring Data Repositories
Spring Data can create implementations for you of `@Repository`
interfaces of various flavours. Spring Boot will handle all of that
for you as long as those `@Repositories` are included in a
For many applications all you will need is to put the right Spring
Data dependencies on your classpath (there is a
"spring-boot-starter-data-jpa" for JPA and for Mongodb you only nee
dto add "spring-datamongodb"), create some repository interfaces to
handle your `@Entity` objects, and then add a `@ComponentScan` that
covers those packages. Examples are in the
[JPA sample](
or the
[Mongodb sample](
## Configure JPA Properties
Spring JPA already provides some vendor-independent configuration
options (e.g. for SQL logging) and Spring Boot exposes those, and a
few more for hibernate as external configuration properties. The most
common options to set are
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: create-drop
spring.jpa.hibernate.naming_strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy
spring.jpa.database: H2 true
(Because of relaxed data binding hyphens or underscores should work
equally well as property keys.) The `ddl-auto` setting is a special
case in that it has different defaults depending on whether you are
using an embedded database ("create-drop") or not ("none"). In
addition all properties in `*` are passed
through as normal JPA properties (with the prefix stripped) when the
local `EntityManagerFactory` is created.
for more details.
<span id="discover.options"/>
## Discover Built-in Options for External Properties