= Spring Boot sample with Redis export for metrics. Start redis, e.g. with [Docker Compose]() [source,indent=0] ---- $ docker-compose up ---- Run the app and ping the home page (http://localhost:8080) a few times. Go and look at the result in Redis, e.g. [source,indent=0] ---- $ redis-cli> keys * 1) "keys.spring.metrics" 2) "spring.metrics.counter.status.200.root" 3) "spring.metrics.gauge.response.root"> zrange keys.spring.metrics 0 0 WITHSCORES 1) "spring.metrics.counter.status.200.root" 2) "4" ---- There is also an `AggregateMetricReader` with public metrics in the application context, and you can see the result in the "/metrics" (metrics with names in "aggregate.*"). The way the Redis repository was set up (with a random key in the metric names) makes the aggregates work across restarts of the same application, or across a scaled up application running in multiple processes. E.g. [source,indent=0] ---- $ curl localhost:8080/metrics { ... "aggregate.application.counter.status.200.metrics": 12, "aggregate.application.counter.status.200.root": 29, "aggregate.application.gauge.response.metrics": 43, "aggregate.application.gauge.response.root": 5, "counter.status.200.root": 2, "counter.status.200.metrics": 1, "gauge.response.metrics": 43, "gauge.response.root": 5 } ----