= Spring Boot Couchbase Sample This sample demonstrates how you can store a simple document using Spring Data Couchbase. The sample expects couchbase to run on your machine with a bucket named `default` and no password. You can customize these settings in `application.properties`. This sample also configures the `auto-index` property and the `UserRepository` defines the `all` view so you should be able to invoke `findAll` for this sample. == Creating the view manually If you don't want to rely on `auto-index` and better understand how this works behind the scenes, you need to create an `all` view for the `User`. Go to the Couchbase server’s admin console and visit the Views screen, then click `Create Development View` and name it `all` with `user` as document name. On that view, you need to change the code to: ```java function (doc, meta) { if (doc._class == "sample.data.couchbase.User") { emit(meta.id, null); } } ``` and the _reduce_ function to `_count`. After you've saved your changes go back to `Views` and click on `Publish` so that the `all` view move to the `Production Views` tab.