;(function () { 'use strict' const childProcess = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs'); async function main() { try { checkout(process.argv.includes('--no-checkout')) install(process.argv.includes('--no-install')) run(process.argv.includes('--no-run')) } catch (error) { console.log("Unexpected error") process.exitCode = (error.exitCode) ? error.exitCode : 1 } } function checkout(skip) { if (skip) return console.log('Checking out Antora package.json files from `main`') const packageJson = childProcess.execSync('git show main:antora/package.json', {env: process.env}) const packageLockJson = childProcess.execSync('git show main:antora/package-lock.json', {env: process.env}) fs.writeFileSync('package.json', packageJson) fs.writeFileSync('package-lock.json', packageLockJson) } function install(skip) { if (skip) return console.log('Installing modules') childProcess.execSync('npm ci --silent --no-progress', {stdio: 'inherit', env: process.env}) } function run(skip) { const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8')) const uiBundleUrl = packageJson.config['ui-bundle-url']; const command = `npx antora antora-playbook.yml --stacktrace --ui-bundle-url ${uiBundleUrl}` if (uiBundleUrl.includes('/latest/')) { console.log('Refusing to run Antora with development build of UI') console.log(`$ ${command}`) process.exitCode = 1 return } console.log((!skip) ? 'Running Antora' : 'Use the following command to run Antora') console.log(`$ ${command}`) if (!skip) childProcess.execSync(command, {stdio: 'inherit', env: process.env}) } main() })()