2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-activemq Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-actuator Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-actuator-log4j Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-actuator-log4j2 Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-actuator-noweb Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-actuator-ui Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-amqp Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-ant Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-aop Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-atmosphere Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-batch Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-cache Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-cassandra Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-elasticsearch Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-gemfire Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-jpa Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-mongodb Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-redis Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-rest Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-data-solr Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-devtools Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-flyway Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-hateoas Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-hornetq Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-hypermedia Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-hypermedia-gson Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-hypermedia-jpa Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-hypermedia-ui Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-integration Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jersey Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jersey1 Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jetty Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jetty8 Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jetty8-ssl Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jetty93 Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jetty-ssl Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jooq Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jpa Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jta-atomikos Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jta-bitronix Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-jta-jndi Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-liquibase Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-logback Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-metrics-dropwizard Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-metrics-opentsdb Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-metrics-redis Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-parent-context Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-profile Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-property-validation Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-secure Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-secure-oauth2 Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-secure-oauth2-resource Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-servlet Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-session-redis Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-simple Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-testng Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-tomcat Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-tomcat7-jsp Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-tomcat-jsp Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-tomcat-multi-connectors Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-tomcat-ssl Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-traditional Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-undertow Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-undertow-ssl Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-velocity Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-war Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-freemarker Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-groovy-templates Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-jsp Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-method-security Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-mustache Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-secure Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-secure-custom Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-secure-github Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-secure-jdbc Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-static Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-ui Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-web-velocity Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-websocket-jetty Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-websocket-tomcat Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-websocket-undertow Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-ws Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
spring-boot-sample-xml Use HTTPS to link to the Apache license 2019-03-20 15:00:10 +00:00
pom.xml Update build and setup configuration to use HTTPS 2019-03-19 16:01:05 +00:00
README.adoc Fix sample links 2015-08-28 16:38:15 +02:00

 The following java samples are provided:

* link:spring-boot-sample-simple[spring-boot-sample-simple]
  -- A simple command line application
* link:spring-boot-sample-tomcat[spring-boot-sample-tomcat]
  --  Embedded Tomcat
* link:spring-boot-sample-jetty[spring-boot-sample-jetty]
  -- Embedded Jetty
* link:spring-boot-sample-activemq[spring-boot-sample-activemq]
  -- Simple JMS consumer and producer using Apache ActiveMQ
* link:spring-boot-sample-actuator[spring-boot-sample-actuator]
  -- Simple REST service with production features
* link:spring-boot-sample-actuator-ui[spring-boot-sample-actuator-ui]
  -- A web UI example with production features
* link:spring-boot-sample-actuator-noweb[spring-boot-sample-actuator-noweb]
  -- A production features sample with no web application
* link:spring-boot-sample-actuator-log4j[spring-boot-sample-actuator-log4j]
  -- A production features sample using log4j for logging (instead of logback)
* link:spring-boot-sample-cache[spring-boot-sample-cache]
  -- A web sample that uses Spring's cache abstraction
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-ui[spring-boot-sample-web-ui]
  -- A thymeleaf web application
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-static[spring-boot-sample-web-static]
  -- A web application serving static files
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-freemarker[spring-boot-sample-web-freemarker]
  -- A web application using Freemarker templates
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-velocity[spring-boot-sample-web-velocity]
  -- A web application using Velocity templates
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-groovy-templates[spring-boot-sample-web-groovy-templates]
  -- A web application using native Groovy templates
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-jsp[spring-boot-sample-web-jsp]
  -- A web application using JSP templates
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-tomcat-jsp[spring-boot-sample-tomcat-jsp]
  -- A web application using JSP templates with Tomcat 8
* link:spring-boot-sample-tomcat-multi-connectors[spring-boot-sample-tomcat-multi-connectors]
  -- A web application using multiple connectors in tomcat, showing how to customize the Tomcat server
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-secure[spring-boot-sample-web-secure]
  -- A web application with typical Security configuration enabling a login form
* link:spring-boot-sample-web-method-security[spring-boot-sample-web-method-security]
  -- A web application with Security configuration enabling global method security
* link:spring-boot-sample-secure[spring-boot-sample-secure]
  -- example showing Spring Security in a non-web application
* link:spring-boot-sample-servlet[spring-boot-sample-servlet]
  -- example showing a "raw" `Servlet` returning plaintext content
* link:spring-boot-sample-ws[spring-boot-sample-ws]
  -- A simple contract-first SOAP web service with Spring Web Services
* link:spring-boot-sample-websocket-jetty[spring-boot-sample-websocket-jetty]
  -- A web application with Websocket support on Jetty server
* link:spring-boot-sample-websocket-tomcat[spring-boot-sample-websocket-tomcat]
  -- A web application with Websocket support on Tomcat server
* link:spring-boot-sample-websocket-undertow[spring-boot-sample-websocket-undertow]
  -- A web application with Websocket support on Undertow server
* link:spring-boot-sample-flyway[spring-boot-sample-flyway]
  -- Example showing database migrations with Flyway
* link:spring-boot-sample-liquibase[spring-boot-sample-liquibase]
  -- Example showing database migrations with Liquibase
* link:spring-boot-sample-amqp[spring-boot-sample-amqp]
  -- Example showing message-oriented application using RabbitMQ
* link:spring-boot-sample-hornetq[spring-boot-sample-hornetq]
  -- Example showing message-oriented application using HornetQ
* link:spring-boot-sample-batch[spring-boot-sample-batch]
  -- Define and run a Batch job in a few lines of code
* link:spring-boot-sample-data-jpa[spring-boot-sample-data-jpa]
  -- Spring Data JPA + Hibernate + HSQLDB
* link:spring-boot-sample-data-mongodb[spring-boot-sample-data-mongodb]
  -- Spring Data Mongo repositories
* link:spring-boot-sample-data-solr[spring-boot-sample-data-solr]
  -- Spring Data Solr repositories
* link:spring-boot-sample-data-redis[spring-boot-sample-data-redis]
  -- Simple usage of Spring Data Redis
* link:spring-boot-sample-data-rest[spring-boot-sample-data-rest]
  -- Crud repositories exposed as REST endpoints
* link:spring-boot-sample-integration[spring-boot-sample-integration]
  -- A spring integration application
* link:spring-boot-sample-profile[spring-boot-sample-profile]
  -- example showing Spring's `@profile` support
* link:spring-boot-sample-property-validation[spring-boot-sample-property-validation]
  -- example showing the usage of `@ConfigurationProperties` with a Spring `Validator`
* link:spring-boot-sample-parent-context[spring-boot-sample-parent-context]
  -- example showing an `ApplicationContext` with a parent
* link:spring-boot-sample-aop[spring-boot-sample-aop]
  -- shows explicit usage of Spring AOP
* link:spring-boot-sample-traditional[spring-boot-sample-traditional]
  -- shows more traditional WAR packaging  (but also executable using `java -jar`)
* link:spring-boot-sample-xml[spring-boot-sample-xml]
  -- Example show how Spring Boot can be mixed with traditional XML configuration (we
  generally recommend using Java `@Configuration` whenever possible)