Dave Syer 61a94f212d [bs-89] Allow user to plugin validator for @ConfigurationProperties
* Also fix ordering problem in integration tests
(An application context not being closed led  to port 8080
being already in use.)
* Validator can be specified by providing a Spring Validator with
bean id configurationPropertiesValidator.

[Fixes #49067859]
2013-05-02 16:23:08 +01:00
src [bs-89] Allow user to plugin validator for @ConfigurationProperties 2013-05-02 16:23:08 +01:00
pom.xml [bs-15] Integrate audit abstraction into Spring Security setup 2013-05-02 12:23:57 +01:00
README.md [bs-92] Add simple main wrapper for SpringApplication 2013-05-02 15:37:47 +01:00

Spring Bootstrap Services

Minimum fuss for getting RESTful services up and running in production, and in other environments.

Feature Implementation Notes
Server Tomcat or Jetty Whatever is on the classpath
Security Spring Security If on the classpath
Logging Logback, Log4j or JDK Whatever is on the classpath. Sensible defaults.
Database HSQLDB or H2 Per classpath, or define a DataSource to override
Externalized configuration Properties or YAML Support for Spring profiles. Bind automatically to @Bean.
Audit Spring Security and Spring ApplicationEvent Flexible abstraction with sensible defaults for security events
Validation JSR-303
Management endpoints Spring MVC Health, basic metrics, request tracing, shutdown, thread dumps
Error pages Spring MVC Sensible defaults based on exception and status code
JSON Jackson 2
ORM Spring Data JPA If on the classpath
Batch Spring Batch If enabled and on the classpath
Integration Patterns Spring Integration If on the classpath

Getting Started

You will need Java (6 at least) and a build tool (Maven is what we use below, but you are more than welcome to use gradle). These can be downloaded or installed easily in most operating systems. FIXME: short instructions for Mac and Linux.

A basic project

If you are using Maven create a really simple pom.xml with 2 dependencies:


If you like Gradle, that's fine, and you will know what to do with those dependencies. The first dependency adds Spring Bootstrap auto configuration and the Jetty container to your application, and the second one adds some more opinionated stuff like the default management endpoints. If you prefer Tomcat FIXME: use a different dependency.

You should be able to run it already:

$ mvn package
$ java -jar target/myproject-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Then in another terminal

$ curl localhost:8080/healthz
$ curl localhost:8080/varz

/healthz is the default location for the health endpoint - it tells you if the application is running and healthy. /varz is the default location for the metrics endpoint - it gives you basic counts and response timing data by default but there are plenty of ways to customize it. You can also try /trace and /dump to get some interesting information about how and what your app is doing.

What about the home page?

$ curl localhost:8080/
{"status": 404, "error": "Not Found", "message": "Not Found"}

That's OK, we haven't added any business content yet. But it shows that there are sensible defaults built in for rendering HTTP and server-side errors.

Adding a business endpoint

To do something useful to your business you need to add at least one endpoint. An endpoint can be implemented as a Spring MVC @Controller, e.g.

public class SampleController {

  public Map<String, String> helloWorld() {
    return Collections.singletonMap("message", "Hello World");
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    SpringApplication.run(SampleController.class, args);


You can launch that straight away using the Spring Bootstrap CLI (without the @EnableAutoConfiguration and even without the import statements that your IDE will add if you are using one), or you can use the main method to launch it from your project jar. Just add a start-class in the properties section of the pom above pointing to the fully qualified name of your SampleController, e.g.


and re-package:

$ mvn package
$ java -jar target/myproject-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ curl localhost:8080/
{"message": "Hello World"}

Adding security

If you add Spring Security java config to your runtime classpath you will enable HTTP basic authentication by default on all the endpoints. In the pom.xml it would look like this:


(Spring Security java config is still work in progress so we have used a snapshot. Beware of sudden changes. FIXME: update to full release.)

Try it out:

$ curl localhost:8080/
{"status": 403, "error": "Forbidden", "message": "Access Denied"}
$ curl user:password@localhost:8080/
{"message": "Hello World"}

The default auto configuration has an in-memory user database with one entry. If you want to extend or expand that, or point to a database or directory server, you only need to provide a @Bean definition for an AuthenticationManager, e.g. in your SampleController:

public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager() throws Exception {
  return new AuthenticationBuilder().inMemoryAuthentication().withUser("client")

Try it out:

$ curl user:password@localhost:8080/
{"status": 403, "error": "Forbidden", "message": "Access Denied"}
$ curl client:secret@localhost:8080/
{"message": "Hello World"}

Adding a database

Just add spring-jdbc and an embedded database to your dependencies: