
This commit is contained in:
Antecer 2024-05-01 18:31:45 +08:00
parent de801d61c1
commit 5cd0adabc3
2 changed files with 756 additions and 364 deletions

View File

@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ interface JsExtensions : JsEncodeUtils {
font ?: return null
qTTF = QueryTTF(font)
CacheManager.put(key, qTTF)
CacheManager.put(key, qTTF) // debug注释掉
return qTTF
} catch (e: Exception) {
AppLog.put("获取字体处理类出错", e)
@ -798,15 +798,21 @@ interface JsExtensions : JsEncodeUtils {
val contentArray = text.toStringArray() //这里不能用toCharArray,因为有些文字占多个字节
contentArray.forEachIndexed { index, s ->
val oldCode = s.codePointAt(0)
val glyf = errorQueryTTF.getGlyfByCode(oldCode)
val code = correctQueryTTF.getCodeByGlyf(glyf)
// 忽略正常的空白字符
if (errorQueryTTF.isBlankUnicode(oldCode)) {
val glyf = errorQueryTTF.getGlyfByUnicode(oldCode)
// 删除轮廓数据不存在的字符
if (filter && (glyf == null)) {
contentArray[index] = ""
// 使用轮廓数据反查Unicode
val code = correctQueryTTF.getUnicodeByGlyf(glyf)
if (code != 0) {
contentArray[index] = code.toChar().toString()
if (glyf.equals("") && filter) {
// 删除轮廓数据为空的字符
contentArray[index] = ""
return contentArray.joinToString("")

View File

@ -1,44 +1,68 @@
package io.legado.app.model.analyzeRule;
import android.util.Log;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
@SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal", "unused"})
public class QueryTTF {
* 文件头
* @url <a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/typography/opentype/spec/otff">Microsoft opentype 字体文档</a>
private static class Header {
public int majorVersion;
public int minorVersion;
public int numOfTables;
* uint32 字体版本 0x00010000 (ttf)
public long sfntVersion;
* uint16 Number of tables.
public int numTables;
* uint16
public int searchRange;
* uint16
public int entrySelector;
* uint16
public int rangeShift;
* 数据表目录
private static class Directory {
public String tag; // table name
public int checkSum; // Check sum
public int offset; // Offset from beginning of file
public int length; // length of the table in bytes
* uint32 (表标识符)
public String tableTag;
* uint32 (该表的校验和)
public int checkSum;
* uint32 (TTF文件 Bytes 数据索引 0 开始的偏移地址)
public int offset;
* uint32 (该表的长度)
public int length;
private static class NameLayout {
public int format;
public int count;
public int stringOffset;
public List<NameRecord> records = new LinkedList<>();
public LinkedList<NameRecord> records = new LinkedList<>();
private static class NameRecord {
@ -50,105 +74,433 @@ public class QueryTTF {
public int offset; // 名称字符串相对于stringOffset的字节偏移量
* Font Header Table
private static class HeadLayout {
* uint16
public int majorVersion;
* uint16
public int minorVersion;
* uint16
public int fontRevision;
* uint32
public int checkSumAdjustment;
* uint32
public int magicNumber;
* uint16
public int flags;
* uint16
public int unitsPerEm;
* long
public long created;
* long
public long modified;
* int16
public short xMin;
* int16
public short yMin;
* int16
public short xMax;
* int16
public short yMax;
* uint16
public int macStyle;
* uint16
public int lowestRecPPEM;
* int16
public short fontDirectionHint;
public short indexToLocFormat; // <0:loca是2字节数组, 1:loca是4字节数组>
* int16
* <p> 0 表示短偏移 (Offset16)1 表示长偏移 (Offset32)
public short indexToLocFormat;
* int16
public short glyphDataFormat;
* Maximum Profile
private static class MaxpLayout {
public int majorVersion;
public int minorVersion;
public int numGlyphs; // 字体中的字形数量
* uint32 高16位表示整数低16位表示小数
public int version;
* uint16 字体中的字形数量
public int numGlyphs;
* uint16 非复合字形中包含的最大点数点是构成字形轮廓的基本单位
public int maxPoints;
* uint16 非复合字形中包含的最大轮廓数轮廓是由一系列点连接形成的封闭曲线
public int maxContours;
* uint16 复合字形中包含的最大点数复合字形是由多个简单字形组合而成的
public int maxCompositePoints;
* uint16 复合字形中包含的最大轮廓数
public int maxCompositeContours;
* uint16
public int maxZones;
* uint16
public int maxTwilightPoints;
* uint16
public int maxStorage;
* uint16
public int maxFunctionDefs;
* uint16
public int maxInstructionDefs;
* uint16
public int maxStackElements;
* uint16
public int maxSizeOfInstructions;
* uint16 任何复合字形在顶层引用的最大组件数
public int maxComponentElements;
* uint16 递归的最大层数简单组件为1
public int maxComponentDepth;
* 字符到字形索引映射表
private static class CmapLayout {
* uint16
public int version;
* uint16 后面的编码表的数量
public int numTables;
public List<CmapRecord> records = new LinkedList<>();
public Map<Integer, CmapFormat> tables = new HashMap<>();
public LinkedList<CmapRecord> records = new LinkedList<>();
public HashMap<Integer, CmapFormat> tables = new HashMap<>();
* Encoding records and encodings
private static class CmapRecord {
public int platformID; // UInt16
public int platformSpecificID; // UInt16
public int offset; // UInt32
* uint16 Platform ID.
* <p> 0Unicode
* <p> 1Macintosh
* <p> 2ISO
* <p> 3Windows
* <p> 4Custom
public int platformID;
* uint16 Platform-specific encoding ID.
* <p> platform ID = 3
* <p> 0Symbol
* <p> 1Unicode BMP
* <p> 2ShiftJIS
* <p> 3PRC
* <p> 4Big5
* <p> 5Wansung
* <p> 6Johab
* <p> 7Reserved
* <p> 8Reserved
* <p> 9Reserved
* <p> 10Unicode full repertoire
public int encodingID;
* uint32 cmap 表开头到子表的字节偏移量
public int offset;
private static class CmapFormat {
* uint16
* <p> cmapFormat 子表的格式类型
public int format;
* uint16
* <p> 这个 Format 表的长度以字节为单位
public int length;
* uint16
* <p> platformID=1 时有效
public int language;
public byte[] glyphIdArray;
private static class CmapFormat4 extends CmapFormat {
* uint16[256]
* <p> Format=2
* <p> 将高字节映射到 subHeaders 的数组值为 subHeader 索引x8
public int[] subHeaderKeys;
* uint16[]
* <p> Format=2
* <p> subHeader 子标头的可变长度数组
* <p> 其结构为 uint16[][4]{ {uint16,uint16,int16,uint16}, ... }
public int[] subHeaders;
* uint16 segCount x2
* <p> Format=4
* <p> seg段计数乘以 2这是因为每个段用两个字节表示所以这个值是实际段数的两倍
public int segCountX2;
* uint16
* <p> Format=4
* <p> 小于或等于段数的最大二次幂再乘以 2这是为二分查找优化搜索过程
public int searchRange;
* uint16
* <p> Format=4
* <p> 等于 log2(searchRange/2)这是最大二次幂的对数
public int entrySelector;
* uint16
* <p> Format=4
* <p> segCount * 2 - searchRange 用于调整搜索范围的偏移
public int rangeShift;
* uint16[segCount]
* <p> Format=4
* <p> 每个段的结束字符码最后一个是 0xFFFF表示 Unicode 范围的结束
public int[] endCode;
* uint16
* <p> Format=4
* <p> 固定设置为 0用于填充保留位以保持数据对齐
public int reservedPad;
* uint16[segCount]
* <p> Format=4
* <p> 每个段的起始字符码
public int[] startCode;
public short[] idDelta;
public int[] idRangeOffset;
public int[] glyphIdArray;
private static class CmapFormat6 extends CmapFormat {
* int16[segCount]
* <p> Format=4
* <p> 用于计算字形索引的偏移值该值被加到从 startCode endCode 的所有字符码上得到相应的字形索引
public int[] idDelta;
* uint16[segCount]
* <p> Format=4
* <p> 偏移到 glyphIdArray 中的起始位置如果没有额外的字形索引映射则为 0
public int[] idRangeOffsets;
* uint16
* <p> Format=6
* <p> 子范围的第一个字符代码这是连续字符代码范围的起始点
public int firstCode;
* uint16
* <p> Format=6
* <p> 子范围中字符代码的数量这表示从 firstCode 开始连续多少个字符代码被包含
public int entryCount;
* 字形索引数组
* <p> Format=0 bye[256]数组
* <p> Format>0 uint16[] 数组
* <p> Format>12 uint32[] 数组
* <p> @url <a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/typography/opentype/spec/cmap#language">Microsoft cmap文档</a>
public int[] glyphIdArray;
private static class CmapFormat12 extends CmapFormat {
public int reserved;
public int length;
public int language;
public int numGroups;
public List<int[]> groups;
* 字形轮廓数据表
private static class GlyfLayout {
* int16 非负值为简单字形的轮廓数,负值表示为复合字形
public short numberOfContours;
* int16 Minimum x for coordinate data.
public short xMin;
* int16 Minimum y for coordinate data.
public short yMin;
* int16 Maximum x for coordinate data.
public short xMax;
* int16 Maximum y for coordinate data.
public short yMax;
* 简单字形数据
public GlyphTableBySimple glyphSimple;
* 复合字形数据
public LinkedList<GlyphTableComponent> glyphComponent;
private static class GlyfLayout {
public short numberOfContours; // 非负值为简单字型,负值为复合字型
public short xMin;
public short yMin;
public short xMax;
public short yMax;
public int[] endPtsOfContours; // length=numberOfContours
public int instructionLength;
public byte[] instructions; // length=instructionLength
public byte[] flags;
public short[] xCoordinates; // length = flags.length
public short[] yCoordinates; // length = flags.length
* 简单字形数据表
private static class GlyphTableBySimple {
* uint16[numberOfContours]
int[] endPtsOfContours;
* uint16
int instructionLength;
* uint8[instructionLength]
int[] instructions;
* uint8[variable]
* <p> bit0: 该点位于曲线上
* <p> bit1: < 1:xCoordinate为uint8 >
* <p> bit2: < 1:yCoordinate为uint8 >
* <p> bit3: < 1:下一个uint8为此条目之后插入的附加逻辑标志条目的数量 >
* <p> bit4: < bit1=1时表示符号[1.,0.]; bit1=0时[1.x坐标重复一次,0.x坐标读为int16] >
* <p> bit5: < bit2=1时表示符号[1.,0.]; bit2=0时[1.y坐标重复一次,0.y坐标读为int16] >
* <p> bit6: 字形描述中的轮廓可能会重叠
* <p> bit7: 保留位,无意义
int[] flags;
* uint8[] when(flags&0x02==0x02)
* int16[] when(flags&0x12==0x00)
int[] xCoordinates;
* uint8[] when(flags&0x04==0x02)
* int16[] when(flags&0x24==0x00)
int[] yCoordinates;
* 复合字形数据表
private static class GlyphTableComponent {
* uint16
* <p> bit0: < 1:argument是16bit0:argument是8bit >
* <p> bit1: < 1:argument是有符号值0:argument是无符号值 >
* <p> bit3: 该组件有一个缩放比例否则比例为1.0
* <p> bit5: 表示在此字形之后还有字形
int flags;
* uint16
int glyphIndex;
* x-offset
* <p> uint8 when flags&0x03==0
* <p> int8 when flags&0x03==1
* <p> uint16 when flags&0x03==2
* <p> int16 when flags&0x03==3
int argument1;
* y-offset
* <p> uint8 when flags&0x03==0
* <p> int8 when flags&0x03==1
* <p> uint16 when flags&0x03==2
* <p> int16 when flags&0x03==3
int argument2;
* uint16
* <p> 值类型为 F2DOT14 的组件缩放X比例值
float xScale;
* uint16
* <p> 值类型为 F2DOT14 的2x2变换矩阵01值
float scale01;
* uint16
* <p> 值类型为 F2DOT14 的2x2变换矩阵10值
float scale10;
* uint16
* <p> 值类型为 F2DOT14 的组件缩放Y比例值
float yScale;
private static class BufferReader {
@ -168,7 +520,6 @@ public class QueryTTF {
return byteBuffer.position();
public long ReadUInt64() {
return byteBuffer.getLong();
@ -198,39 +549,52 @@ public class QueryTTF {
public byte[] ReadByteArray(int len) {
if (len < 0) return null;
assert len >= 0;
byte[] result = new byte[len];
return result;
public short[] ReadInt16Array(int len) {
if (len < 0) return null;
var result = new short[len];
public int[] ReadUInt8Array(int len) {
assert len >= 0;
var result = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) result[i] = byteBuffer.get() & 0xFF;
return result;
public int[] ReadInt16Array(int len) {
assert len >= 0;
var result = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) result[i] = byteBuffer.getShort();
return result;
public int[] ReadUInt16Array(int len) {
if (len < 0) return null;
assert len >= 0;
var result = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) result[i] = byteBuffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
return result;
public int[] ReadInt32Array(int len) {
assert len >= 0;
var result = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) result[i] = byteBuffer.getInt();
return result;
private final Header fileHeader = new Header();
private final Map<String, Directory> directorys = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap<String, Directory> directorys = new HashMap<>();
private final NameLayout name = new NameLayout();
private final HeadLayout head = new HeadLayout();
private final MaxpLayout maxp = new MaxpLayout();
private final List<Integer> loca = new LinkedList<>();
private final CmapLayout Cmap = new CmapLayout();
private String[] glyf;
private final int[][] pps = new int[][]{{3, 10}, {0, 4}, {3, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 3}, {0, 1}};
private void readNameTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = Objects.requireNonNull(directorys.get("name"));
var dataTable = directorys.get("name");
assert dataTable != null;
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, dataTable.offset);
name.format = reader.ReadUInt16();
name.count = reader.ReadUInt16();
@ -248,7 +612,8 @@ public class QueryTTF {
private void readHeadTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = Objects.requireNonNull(directorys.get("head"));
var dataTable = directorys.get("head");
assert dataTable != null;
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, dataTable.offset);
head.majorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();
head.minorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();
@ -270,90 +635,117 @@ public class QueryTTF {
head.glyphDataFormat = reader.ReadInt16();
* glyfId到glyphData的索引
* <p> 根据定义索引零指向丢失的字符
* <p> loca.length = maxp.numGlyphs + 1;
private int[] loca;
private void readLocaTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = directorys.get("loca");
assert dataTable != null;
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, dataTable.offset);
if (head.indexToLocFormat == 0) {
loca = reader.ReadUInt16Array(dataTable.length / 2);
} else {
loca = reader.ReadInt32Array(dataTable.length / 4);
private void readCmapTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = Objects.requireNonNull(directorys.get("cmap"));
var dataTable = directorys.get("cmap");
assert dataTable != null;
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, dataTable.offset);
Cmap.version = reader.ReadUInt16();
Cmap.numTables = reader.ReadUInt16();
for (int i = 0; i < Cmap.numTables; ++i) {
CmapRecord record = new CmapRecord();
record.platformID = reader.ReadUInt16();
record.platformSpecificID = reader.ReadUInt16();
record.encodingID = reader.ReadUInt16();
record.offset = reader.ReadUInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < Cmap.numTables; ++i) {
int fmtOffset = Cmap.records.get(i).offset;
reader.position(dataTable.offset + fmtOffset);
int EndIndex = reader.position();
int format = reader.ReadUInt16();
for (var formatTable : Cmap.records) {
int fmtOffset = formatTable.offset;
if (Cmap.tables.containsKey(fmtOffset)) continue;
if (format == 0) {
CmapFormat f = new CmapFormat();
f.format = format;
f.length = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.language = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.glyphIdArray = reader.ReadByteArray(f.length - 6);
Cmap.tables.put(fmtOffset, f);
} else if (format == 4) {
CmapFormat4 f = new CmapFormat4();
f.format = format;
f.length = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.language = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.segCountX2 = reader.ReadUInt16();
int segCount = f.segCountX2 >> 1;
f.searchRange = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.entrySelector = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.rangeShift = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.endCode = reader.ReadUInt16Array(segCount);
f.reservedPad = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.startCode = reader.ReadUInt16Array(segCount);
f.idDelta = reader.ReadInt16Array(segCount);
f.idRangeOffset = reader.ReadUInt16Array(segCount);
f.glyphIdArray = reader.ReadUInt16Array((EndIndex + f.length - reader.position()) >> 1);
Cmap.tables.put(fmtOffset, f);
} else if (format == 6) {
CmapFormat6 f = new CmapFormat6();
f.format = format;
f.length = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.language = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.firstCode = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.entryCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.glyphIdArray = reader.ReadUInt16Array(f.entryCount);
Cmap.tables.put(fmtOffset, f);
} else if (format == 12) {
CmapFormat12 f = new CmapFormat12();
f.format = format;
f.reserved = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.length = reader.ReadUInt32();
f.language = reader.ReadUInt32();
f.numGroups = reader.ReadUInt32();
f.groups = new LinkedList<>();
for (int n = 0; n < f.numGroups; ++n) {
f.groups.add(new int[]{reader.ReadUInt32(), reader.ReadUInt32(), reader.ReadUInt32()});
Cmap.tables.put(fmtOffset, f);
reader.position(dataTable.offset + fmtOffset);
private void readLocaTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = Objects.requireNonNull(directorys.get("loca"));
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, dataTable.offset);
var locaTableSize = dataTable.length;
if (head.indexToLocFormat == 0) {
for (long i = 0; i < locaTableSize; i += 2) loca.add(reader.ReadUInt16());
} else {
for (long i = 0; i < locaTableSize; i += 4) loca.add(reader.ReadUInt32());
CmapFormat f = new CmapFormat();
f.format = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.length = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.language = reader.ReadUInt16();
switch (f.format) {
case 0: {
f.glyphIdArray = reader.ReadUInt8Array(f.length - 6);
// 记录 unicode->glyphId 映射表
int unicodeInclusive = 0;
int unicodeExclusive = f.glyphIdArray.length;
for (; unicodeInclusive < unicodeExclusive; unicodeInclusive++) {
unicodeToGlyphId.put(unicodeInclusive, f.glyphIdArray[unicodeInclusive]);
case 4: {
f.segCountX2 = reader.ReadUInt16();
int segCount = f.segCountX2 / 2;
f.searchRange = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.entrySelector = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.rangeShift = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.endCode = reader.ReadUInt16Array(segCount);
f.reservedPad = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.startCode = reader.ReadUInt16Array(segCount);
f.idDelta = reader.ReadInt16Array(segCount);
f.idRangeOffsets = reader.ReadUInt16Array(segCount);
// 一个包含字形索引的数组其长度是任意的取决于映射的复杂性和字体中的字符数量
int glyphIdArrayLength = (f.length - 16 - (segCount * 8)) / 2;
f.glyphIdArray = reader.ReadUInt16Array(glyphIdArrayLength);
// 记录 unicode->glyphId 映射表
for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segCount; segmentIndex++) {
int unicodeInclusive = f.startCode[segmentIndex];
int unicodeExclusive = f.endCode[segmentIndex];
int idDelta = f.idDelta[segmentIndex];
int idRangeOffset = f.idRangeOffsets[segmentIndex];
for (int unicode = unicodeInclusive; unicode <= unicodeExclusive; unicode++) {
if (idRangeOffset == 0) {
unicodeToGlyphId.put(unicode, (unicode + idDelta) & 0xFFFF);
} else {
int gIndex = (idRangeOffset / 2) + unicode - unicodeInclusive + segmentIndex;
unicodeToGlyphId.put(unicode, gIndex < glyphIdArrayLength ? f.glyphIdArray[gIndex] + idDelta : 0);
case 6: {
f.firstCode = reader.ReadUInt16();
f.entryCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
// 范围内字符代码的字形索引值数组
f.glyphIdArray = reader.ReadUInt16Array(f.entryCount);
// 记录 unicode->glyphId 映射表
int unicodeIndex = f.firstCode;
int unicodeCount = f.entryCount;
for (int gIndex = 0; gIndex < unicodeCount; gIndex++) {
unicodeToGlyphId.put(unicodeIndex, f.glyphIdArray[gIndex]);
Cmap.tables.put(fmtOffset, f);
private void readMaxpTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = Objects.requireNonNull(directorys.get("maxp"));
var dataTable = directorys.get("maxp");
assert dataTable != null;
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, dataTable.offset);
maxp.majorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();
maxp.minorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();
maxp.version = reader.ReadUInt32();
maxp.numGlyphs = reader.ReadUInt16();
maxp.maxPoints = reader.ReadUInt16();
maxp.maxContours = reader.ReadUInt16();
@ -370,80 +762,163 @@ public class QueryTTF {
maxp.maxComponentDepth = reader.ReadUInt16();
private void readGlyfTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = Objects.requireNonNull(directorys.get("glyf"));
int glyfCount = maxp.numGlyphs;
glyf = new String[glyfCount];
* 字形轮廓表 数组
private GlyfLayout[] glyfArray;
int coreCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(coreCount);
int sliceSize = (coreCount < glyfCount) ? (glyfCount / coreCount) : glyfCount;
for (int blockOffset = 0; blockOffset < glyfCount; blockOffset += sliceSize) {
final int inclusive = blockOffset;
final int exclusive = Math.min(blockOffset + sliceSize, glyfCount);
executor.submit(() -> {
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, 0);
for (int index = inclusive; index < exclusive; index++) {
int offset = dataTable.offset + loca.get(index);
int glyfLength = (index + 1 < glyfCount ? loca.get(index + 1) : dataTable.offset + dataTable.length) - loca.get(index);
byte[] glyph;
short numberOfContours = reader.ReadInt16();
if (numberOfContours > 0) {
short g_xMin = reader.ReadInt16();
short g_yMin = reader.ReadInt16();
short g_xMax = reader.ReadInt16();
short g_yMax = reader.ReadInt16();
int[] endPtsOfContours = reader.ReadUInt16Array(numberOfContours);
int instructionLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
var instructions = reader.ReadByteArray(instructionLength);
int flagLength = endPtsOfContours[endPtsOfContours.length - 1] + 1;
// 获取轮廓点描述标志
var flags = new byte[flagLength];
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
flags[n] = reader.ReadInt8();
if ((flags[n] & 0x08) != 0x00) {
for (int m = reader.ReadUInt8(); m > 0; --m) {
flags[++n] = flags[n - 1];
private void readGlyfTable(byte[] buffer) {
var dataTable = directorys.get("glyf");
assert dataTable != null;
int glyfCount = maxp.numGlyphs;
glyfArray = new GlyfLayout[glyfCount + 1]; // 创建容器时多创建一个作为保留区
var reader = new BufferReader(buffer, 0);
for (int index = 1; index <= glyfCount; index++) {
if (loca[index - 1] == loca[index]) continue; // 当前loca与下一个loca相同表示这个字形不存在
int offset = dataTable.offset + loca[index - 1];
// 读GlyphHeaders
var glyph = new GlyfLayout();
glyph.numberOfContours = reader.ReadInt16();
glyph.xMin = reader.ReadInt16();
glyph.yMin = reader.ReadInt16();
glyph.xMax = reader.ReadInt16();
glyph.yMax = reader.ReadInt16();
// 读Glyph轮廓数据
if (glyph.numberOfContours > 0) {
// 简单轮廓
glyph.glyphSimple = new GlyphTableBySimple();
glyph.glyphSimple.endPtsOfContours = reader.ReadUInt16Array(glyph.numberOfContours);
glyph.glyphSimple.instructionLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
glyph.glyphSimple.instructions = reader.ReadUInt8Array(glyph.glyphSimple.instructionLength);
int flagLength = glyph.glyphSimple.endPtsOfContours[glyph.glyphSimple.endPtsOfContours.length - 1] + 1;
// 获取轮廓点描述标志
glyph.glyphSimple.flags = new int[flagLength];
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
var glyphSimpleFlag = reader.ReadUInt8();
glyph.glyphSimple.flags[n] = glyphSimpleFlag;
if ((glyphSimpleFlag & 0x08) == 0x08) {
for (int m = reader.ReadUInt8(); m > 0; --m) {
glyph.glyphSimple.flags[++n] = glyphSimpleFlag;
// 获取轮廓点描述x,y相对值
ByteBuffer xyCoordinatesBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(flagLength * 4);
// 获取轮廓点描述x轴相对值
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
short same = (short) ((flags[n] & 0x10) != 0 ? 1 : -1);
if ((flags[n] & 0x02) != 0) {
xyCoordinatesBuffer.putShort((short) (same * reader.ReadUInt8()));
} else {
xyCoordinatesBuffer.putShort(same == 1 ? (short) 0 : reader.ReadInt16());
// 获取轮廓点描述y轴相对值
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
short same = (short) ((flags[n] & 0x20) != 0 ? 1 : -1);
if ((flags[n] & 0x04) != 0) {
xyCoordinatesBuffer.putShort((short) (same * reader.ReadUInt8()));
} else {
xyCoordinatesBuffer.putShort(same == 1 ? (short) 0 : reader.ReadInt16());
// 保存轮廓点描述x,y相对值ByteArray
glyph = xyCoordinatesBuffer.array();
} else {
// TODO: 处理复合字形
glyph = reader.ReadByteArray(glyfLength - 2);
glyf[index] = getHexFromBytes(glyph);
// 获取轮廓点描述x轴相对值
glyph.glyphSimple.xCoordinates = new int[flagLength];
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
switch (glyph.glyphSimple.flags[n] & 0x12) {
case 0x02:
glyph.glyphSimple.xCoordinates[n] = -1 * reader.ReadUInt8();
case 0x12:
glyph.glyphSimple.xCoordinates[n] = reader.ReadUInt8();
case 0x10:
glyph.glyphSimple.xCoordinates[n] = 0; // 点位数据重复上一次数据那么相对数据变化量就是0
case 0x00:
glyph.glyphSimple.xCoordinates[n] = reader.ReadInt16();
// 获取轮廓点描述y轴相对值
glyph.glyphSimple.yCoordinates = new int[flagLength];
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
switch (glyph.glyphSimple.flags[n] & 0x24) {
case 0x04:
glyph.glyphSimple.yCoordinates[n] = -1 * reader.ReadUInt8();
case 0x24:
glyph.glyphSimple.yCoordinates[n] = reader.ReadUInt8();
case 0x20:
glyph.glyphSimple.yCoordinates[n] = 0; // 点位数据重复上一次数据那么相对数据变化量就是0
case 0x00:
glyph.glyphSimple.yCoordinates[n] = reader.ReadInt16();
} else {
// 复合轮廓
glyph.glyphComponent = new LinkedList<>();
while (true) {
var glyphTableComponent = new GlyphTableComponent();
glyphTableComponent.flags = reader.ReadUInt16();
glyphTableComponent.glyphIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
switch (glyphTableComponent.flags & 0b11) {
case 0b00:
glyphTableComponent.argument1 = reader.ReadUInt8();
glyphTableComponent.argument2 = reader.ReadUInt8();
case 0b10:
glyphTableComponent.argument1 = reader.ReadInt8();
glyphTableComponent.argument2 = reader.ReadInt8();
case 0b01:
glyphTableComponent.argument1 = reader.ReadUInt16();
glyphTableComponent.argument2 = reader.ReadUInt16();
case 0b11:
glyphTableComponent.argument1 = reader.ReadInt16();
glyphTableComponent.argument2 = reader.ReadInt16();
switch (glyphTableComponent.flags & 0b11001000) {
case 0b00001000:
// 有单一比例
glyphTableComponent.yScale = glyphTableComponent.xScale = ((float) reader.ReadUInt16()) / 16384.0f;
case 0b01000000:
// 有X和Y的独立比例
glyphTableComponent.xScale = ((float) reader.ReadUInt16()) / 16384.0f;
glyphTableComponent.yScale = ((float) reader.ReadUInt16()) / 16384.0f;
case 0b10000000:
// 有2x2变换矩阵
glyphTableComponent.xScale = ((float) reader.ReadUInt16()) / 16384.0f;
glyphTableComponent.scale01 = ((float) reader.ReadUInt16()) / 16384.0f;
glyphTableComponent.scale10 = ((float) reader.ReadUInt16()) / 16384.0f;
glyphTableComponent.yScale = ((float) reader.ReadUInt16()) / 16384.0f;
if ((glyphTableComponent.flags & 0x20) == 0) break;
glyfArray[index] = glyph; // 根据文档 glyfId=0 作为保留区使用这里赋值从索引1开始
try {
boolean b = executor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e("queryTTF", "glyf表解析出错: " + e);
* 使用轮廓索引值获取轮廓数据
* @param glyfId 轮廓索引
* @return 轮廓数据
public String getGlyfById(int glyfId) {
var glyph = glyfArray[glyfId];
if (glyph == null) return null; // 过滤不存在的字体轮廓
String glyphString;
if (glyph.numberOfContours >= 0) {
// 简单字形
int dataCount = glyph.glyphSimple.flags.length;
String[] coordinateArray = new String[dataCount];
for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) {
coordinateArray[i] = glyph.glyphSimple.xCoordinates[i] + "," + glyph.glyphSimple.yCoordinates[i];
glyphString = String.join("|", coordinateArray);
} else {
// 复合字形
LinkedList<String> glyphIdList = new LinkedList<>();
for (var g : glyph.glyphComponent) {
glyphString = "[" + String.join(",", glyphIdList) + "]";
return glyphString;
@ -453,196 +928,107 @@ public class QueryTTF {
public QueryTTF(final byte[] buffer) {
var fontReader = new BufferReader(buffer, 0);
Log.i("queryTTF", "读文件头");
// 获取文件头
fileHeader.majorVersion = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
fileHeader.minorVersion = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
fileHeader.numOfTables = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "读文件头"); // 获取文件头
fileHeader.sfntVersion = fontReader.ReadUInt32();
fileHeader.numTables = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
fileHeader.searchRange = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
fileHeader.entrySelector = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
fileHeader.rangeShift = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
// 获取目录
for (int i = 0; i < fileHeader.numOfTables; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < fileHeader.numTables; ++i) {
Directory d = new Directory();
d.tag = new String(fontReader.ReadByteArray(4), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
d.tableTag = new String(fontReader.ReadByteArray(4), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
d.checkSum = fontReader.ReadUInt32();
d.offset = fontReader.ReadUInt32();
d.length = fontReader.ReadUInt32();
directorys.put(d.tag, d);
directorys.put(d.tableTag, d);
Log.i("queryTTF", "解析表 name"); // 字体信息,包含版权名称作者等...
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "解析表 name"); // 字体信息,包含版权名称作者等...
Log.i("queryTTF", "解析表 head"); // 获取 head.indexToLocFormat
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "解析表 head"); // 获取 head.indexToLocFormat
Log.i("queryTTF", "解析表 cmap"); // Unicode编码->轮廓索引 对照表
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "解析表 cmap"); // Unicode编码->轮廓索引 对照表
Log.i("queryTTF", "解析表 loca"); // 轮廓数据偏移地址表
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "解析表 loca"); // 轮廓数据偏移地址表
Log.i("queryTTF", "解析表 maxp"); // 获取 maxp.numGlyphs 字体轮廓数量
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "解析表 maxp"); // 获取 maxp.numGlyphs 字体轮廓数量
Log.i("queryTTF", "解析表 glyf"); // 字体轮廓数据表,需要解析loca,maxp表后计算
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "解析表 glyf"); // 字体轮廓数据表,需要解析loca,maxp表后计算
Log.i("queryTTF", "建立Unicode&Glyph映射表");
Log.i("queryTTF", "字体处理完成");
public final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> unicodeToGlyph = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> glyphToUnicode = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Integer> unicodeToGlyphIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private void makeHashTable() {
int coreCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(coreCount);
int unicodeCount = 0xFFFF;
int sliceSize = (coreCount < unicodeCount) ? (unicodeCount / coreCount) : unicodeCount;
for (int blockOffset = 0; blockOffset < unicodeCount; blockOffset += sliceSize) {
final int inclusive = blockOffset;
final int exclusive = Math.min(blockOffset + sliceSize, unicodeCount);
executor.submit(() -> {
for (int index = inclusive; index < exclusive; index++) {
int gid = queryGlyfIndex(index);
if (gid < glyf.length) {
unicodeToGlyphIndex.put(index, gid);
var val = glyf[gid];
unicodeToGlyph.put(index, val);
if (!glyphToUnicode.containsKey(val)) glyphToUnicode.put(val, index);
try {
boolean b = executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e("queryTTF", "建立Unicode&Glyph映射表出错: " + e);
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "建立Unicode&Glyph映射表");
int glyfArrayLength = glyfArray.length;
for (var item : unicodeToGlyphId.entrySet()) {
int key = item.getKey();
int val = item.getValue() + 1; // glyphArray已根据TTF文档将索引0作为保留位这里从1开始索引
if (val >= glyfArrayLength) continue;
String glyfString = getGlyfById(val);
unicodeToGlyph.put(key, glyfString);
glyphToUnicode.put(glyfString, key);
// Log.i("QueryTTF", "字体处理完成");
// /**
// * 获取字体信息 (1=字体名称)
// *
// * @param nameId 传入十进制字体信息索引
// * @return 返回查询结果字符串
// */
// public String getNameById(int nameId) {
// fontReader.index = Objects.requireNonNull(directorys.get("name")).offset;
// for (NameRecord record : name.records) {
// if (record.nameID != nameId) continue;
// fontReader.index += name.stringOffset + record.offset;
// return fontReader.ReadStrings(record.length, record.platformID == 1 ? StandardCharsets.UTF_8 : StandardCharsets.UTF_16BE);
// }
// return "error";
// }
public final HashMap<Integer, String> unicodeToGlyph = new HashMap<>();
public final HashMap<String, Integer> glyphToUnicode = new HashMap<>();
public final HashMap<Integer, Integer> unicodeToGlyphId = new HashMap<>();
public String getGlyfById(int gid) {
return glyf[gid];
* 使用 Unicode 值获查询廓索引
* @param unicode 传入 Unicode
* @return 轮廓索引
public int getGlyfIdByUnicode(int unicode) {
var result = unicodeToGlyphId.get(unicode);
if (result == null) return 0;
return result + 1; // 根据TTF文档轮廓索引的定义从1开始
* 使用Unicode值查找轮廓索引
* 使用 Unicode 值查询轮廓数据
* @param unicode 传入Unicode值
* @return 返回十进制轮廓索引
* @param unicode 传入 Unicode
* @return 轮廓数据
public int queryGlyfIndex(int unicode) {
if (unicode == 0) return 0;
int fmtKey = 0;
for (var item : pps) {
for (CmapRecord record : Cmap.records) {
if ((item[0] == record.platformID) && (item[1] == record.platformSpecificID)) {
fmtKey = record.offset;
if (fmtKey > 0) break;
if (fmtKey == 0) return 0;
int glyfID = 0;
CmapFormat table = Cmap.tables.get(fmtKey);
assert table != null;
int fmt = table.format;
if (fmt == 0) {
if (unicode < table.glyphIdArray.length) glyfID = table.glyphIdArray[unicode] & 0xFF;
} else if (fmt == 4) {
CmapFormat4 tab = (CmapFormat4) table;
if (unicode > tab.endCode[tab.endCode.length - 1]) return 0;
// 二分法查找数值索引
int start = 0, middle, end = tab.endCode.length - 1;
while (start + 1 < end) {
middle = (start + end) / 2;
if (tab.endCode[middle] <= unicode) start = middle;
else end = middle;
if (tab.endCode[start] < unicode) ++start;
if (unicode < tab.startCode[start]) return 0;
if (tab.idRangeOffset[start] != 0) {
glyfID = tab.glyphIdArray[unicode - tab.startCode[start] + (tab.idRangeOffset[start] >> 1) - (tab.idRangeOffset.length - start)];
} else glyfID = unicode + tab.idDelta[start];
glyfID &= 0xFFFF;
} else if (fmt == 6) {
CmapFormat6 tab = (CmapFormat6) table;
int index = unicode - tab.firstCode;
if (0 <= index && index < tab.glyphIdArray.length) glyfID = tab.glyphIdArray[index];
} else if (fmt == 12) {
CmapFormat12 tab = (CmapFormat12) table;
if (unicode > tab.groups.get(tab.numGroups - 1)[1]) return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tab.numGroups; i++) {
if (tab.groups.get(i)[0] <= unicode && unicode <= tab.groups.get(i)[1]) {
glyfID = tab.groups.get(i)[2] + unicode - tab.groups.get(i)[0];
return glyfID;
public String getGlyfByUnicode(int unicode) {
return unicodeToGlyph.get(unicode);
* 使用Unicode值获取轮廓索引
* 使用轮廓数据反查 Unicode
* @param unicode 传入Unicode值
* @return 返回十进制轮廓索引
* @param glyph 传入轮廓数据
* @return Unicode
public int getGlyfIndex(int unicode) {
var glyfIndex = unicodeToGlyphIndex.get(unicode);
if (glyfIndex == null) return 0;
return glyfIndex;
public int getUnicodeByGlyf(String glyph) {
var result = glyphToUnicode.get(glyph);
if (result == null) return 0;
return result;
* 使用Unicode值获取轮廓数据
* Unicode 空白字符判断
* @param unicode 传入Unicode
* @return 返回轮廓数组的String值
* @param unicode 字符的 Unicode
* @return true:是空白字符; false:非空白字符
public String getGlyfByCode(int unicode) {
return unicodeToGlyph.getOrDefault(unicode, "");
* 使用轮廓数据获取Unicode值
* @param glyph 传入轮廓数组的String值
* @return 返回Unicode十进制值
public int getCodeByGlyf(String glyph) {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
return glyphToUnicode.getOrDefault(glyph, 0);
* 字体轮廓数据转Hex字符串
* @param glyph 字体轮廓数据
* @return 返回轮廓数组的String值
public String getHexFromBytes(byte[] glyph) {
if (glyph == null) return "";
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : glyph) hexString.append(String.format("%02X", b));
return hexString.toString();
public boolean isBlankUnicode(int unicode) {
return switch (unicode) {
case 0x0009, // 水平制表符 (Horizontal Tab)
0x0020, // 空格 (Space)
0x00A0, // 不中断空格 (No-Break Space)
0x2002, // En空格 (En Space)
0x2003, // Em空格 (Em Space)
0x2007, // 刚性空格 (Figure Space)
0x200A, // 发音修饰字母的连字符 (Hair Space)
0x200B, // 零宽空格 (Zero Width Space)
0x200C, // 零宽不连字 (Zero Width Non-Joiner)
0x200D, // 零宽连字 (Zero Width Joiner)
0x202F, // 狭窄不中断空格 (Narrow No-Break Space)
0x205F // 中等数学空格 (Medium Mathematical Space)
-> true;
default -> false;