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Merge 2791c00ab4 into cb06d149f7 2024-04-27 13:05:15 +08:00
cb06d149f7 修复ttf字体轮廓查询不到的bug 2024-04-27 12:49:11 +08:00
3 changed files with 94 additions and 104 deletions

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@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ let options = {
var f1 = java.queryBase64TTF(b64[1]);
var f2 = java.queryTTF(" Han Sans CN Regular.ttf");
return java.replaceFont(result, f1, f2);
// return java.replaceFont(result, f1, f2);
return java.replaceFont(result, f1, f2, true); // 过滤掉f1中不存在的字形
return result;

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@ -799,23 +799,34 @@ interface JsExtensions : JsEncodeUtils {
fun replaceFont(
text: String,
errorQueryTTF: QueryTTF?,
correctQueryTTF: QueryTTF?
correctQueryTTF: QueryTTF?,
filter: Boolean
): String {
if (errorQueryTTF == null || correctQueryTTF == null) return text
val contentArray = text.toStringArray() //这里不能用toCharArray,因为有些文字占多个字节
contentArray.forEachIndexed { index, s ->
val oldCode = s.codePointAt(0)
if (errorQueryTTF.inLimit(oldCode)) {
val glyf = errorQueryTTF.getGlyfByCode(oldCode)
val code = correctQueryTTF.getCodeByGlyf(glyf)
if (code != 0) {
contentArray[index] = code.toChar().toString()
val glyf = errorQueryTTF.getGlyfByCode(oldCode)
val code = correctQueryTTF.getCodeByGlyf(glyf)
if (code != 0) {
contentArray[index] = code.toChar().toString()
if (glyf == "" && filter) {
// 删除轮廓数据为空的字符
contentArray[index] = ""
return contentArray.joinToString("")
fun replaceFont(
text: String,
errorQueryTTF: QueryTTF?,
correctQueryTTF: QueryTTF?
): String {
return replaceFont(text, errorQueryTTF, correctQueryTTF, false)
* 章节数转数字

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal", "StatementWithEmptyBody", "unused"})
@SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal", "unused"})
public class QueryTTF {
private static class Header {
public int majorVersion;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ public class QueryTTF {
private final MaxpLayout maxp = new MaxpLayout();
private final List<Integer> loca = new LinkedList<>();
private final CmapLayout Cmap = new CmapLayout();
private final List<GlyfLayout> glyf = new LinkedList<>();
private final List<String> glyf = new LinkedList<>();
private final Pair<Integer, Integer>[] pps = new Pair[]{
Pair.of(3, 10),
@ -233,10 +233,9 @@ public class QueryTTF {
Pair.of(0, 1)
public final Map<Integer, String> codeToGlyph = new HashMap<>();
public final Map<String, Integer> glyphToCode = new HashMap<>();
private int limitMix = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int limitMax = 0;
public final Map<Integer, String> unicodeToGlyph = new HashMap<>();
public final Map<String, Integer> glyphToUnicode = new HashMap<>();
public final Map<Integer, Integer> unicodeToGlyphIndex = new HashMap<>();
* 构造函数
@ -406,83 +405,42 @@ public class QueryTTF {
// 解析 glyf (字体轮廓数据表)
// 读取 glyf (字体轮廓数据表)
for (Directory Temp : directorys) {
if (Temp.tag.equals("glyf")) {
fontReader.index = Temp.offset;
for (int i = 0; i < maxp.numGlyphs; ++i) {
int glyfCount = maxp.numGlyphs;
for (int i = 0; i < glyfCount; ) {
fontReader.index = Temp.offset + loca.get(i);
int glyfNextIndex = i < glyfCount ? loca.get(i) : Temp.length;
byte[] glyph;
short numberOfContours = fontReader.ReadInt16();
if (numberOfContours > 0) {
GlyfLayout g = new GlyfLayout();
g.numberOfContours = numberOfContours;
g.xMin = fontReader.ReadInt16();
g.yMin = fontReader.ReadInt16();
g.xMax = fontReader.ReadInt16();
g.yMax = fontReader.ReadInt16();
g.endPtsOfContours = fontReader.GetUInt16Array(numberOfContours);
g.instructionLength = fontReader.ReadUInt16();
g.instructions = fontReader.GetBytes(g.instructionLength);
int flagLength = g.endPtsOfContours[g.endPtsOfContours.length - 1] + 1;
// 获取轮廓点描述标志
g.flags = new byte[flagLength];
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
g.flags[n] = fontReader.GetByte();
if ((g.flags[n] & 0x08) != 0x00) {
for (int m = fontReader.ReadUInt8(); m > 0; --m) {
g.flags[++n] = g.flags[n - 1];
// 获取轮廓点描述x轴相对值
g.xCoordinates = new short[flagLength];
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
short same = (short) ((g.flags[n] & 0x10) != 0 ? 1 : -1);
if ((g.flags[n] & 0x02) != 0) {
g.xCoordinates[n] = (short) (same * fontReader.ReadUInt8());
} else {
g.xCoordinates[n] = same == 1 ? (short) 0 : fontReader.ReadInt16();
// 获取轮廓点描述y轴相对值
g.yCoordinates = new short[flagLength];
for (int n = 0; n < flagLength; ++n) {
short same = (short) ((g.flags[n] & 0x20) != 0 ? 1 : -1);
if ((g.flags[n] & 0x04) != 0) {
g.yCoordinates[n] = (short) (same * fontReader.ReadUInt8());
} else {
g.yCoordinates[n] = same == 1 ? (short) 0 : fontReader.ReadInt16();
/* 相对坐标转绝对坐标
for (int n = 1; n < flagLength; ++n) {
xCoordinates[n] += xCoordinates[n - 1];
yCoordinates[n] += yCoordinates[n - 1];
short g_xMin = fontReader.ReadInt16();
short g_yMin = fontReader.ReadInt16();
short g_xMax = fontReader.ReadInt16();
short g_yMax = fontReader.ReadInt16();
int[] endPtsOfContours = fontReader.GetUInt16Array(numberOfContours);
glyph = fontReader.GetBytes(glyfNextIndex - (fontReader.index - Temp.offset));
} else {
// 复合字体暂未使用
glyph = fontReader.GetBytes(glyfNextIndex - (fontReader.index - 2));
// 建立Unicode&Glyph双向表
for (int key = 0; key < 130000; ++key) {
if (key == 0xFF) key = 0x3400;
int gid = getGlyfIndex(key);
if (gid == 0 || gid >= glyf.size()) continue;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// 字型数据转String方便存HashMap
for (short b : glyf.get(gid).xCoordinates) sb.append(b);
for (short b : glyf.get(gid).yCoordinates) sb.append(b);
String val = sb.toString();
if (limitMix > key) limitMix = key;
if (limitMax < key) limitMax = key;
codeToGlyph.put(key, val);
if (glyphToCode.containsKey(val)) continue;
glyphToCode.put(val, key);
// if (key == 0xFF) key = 0x3400;
int gid = queryGlyfIndex(key);
if (gid >= glyf.size()) continue;
unicodeToGlyphIndex.put(key, gid);
var val = glyf.get(gid);
unicodeToGlyph.put(key, val);
if (glyphToUnicode.containsKey(val)) continue;
glyphToUnicode.put(val, key);
@ -509,11 +467,11 @@ public class QueryTTF {
* 使用Unicode值查找轮廓索引
* @param code 传入Unicode十进制
* @param unicode 传入Unicode
* @return 返回十进制轮廓索引
private int getGlyfIndex(int code) {
if (code == 0) return 0;
public int queryGlyfIndex(int unicode) {
if (unicode == 0) return 0;
int fmtKey = 0;
for (Pair<Integer, Integer> item : pps) {
for (CmapRecord record : Cmap.records) {
@ -531,34 +489,33 @@ public class QueryTTF {
assert table != null;
int fmt = table.format;
if (fmt == 0) {
if (code < table.glyphIdArray.length) glyfID = table.glyphIdArray[code] & 0xFF;
if (unicode < table.glyphIdArray.length) glyfID = table.glyphIdArray[unicode] & 0xFF;
} else if (fmt == 4) {
CmapFormat4 tab = (CmapFormat4) table;
if (code > tab.endCode[tab.endCode.length - 1]) return 0;
if (unicode > tab.endCode[tab.endCode.length - 1]) return 0;
// 二分法查找数值索引
int start = 0, middle, end = tab.endCode.length - 1;
while (start + 1 < end) {
middle = (start + end) / 2;
if (tab.endCode[middle] <= code) start = middle;
if (tab.endCode[middle] <= unicode) start = middle;
else end = middle;
if (tab.endCode[start] < code) ++start;
if (code < tab.startCode[start]) return 0;
if (tab.endCode[start] < unicode) ++start;
if (unicode < tab.startCode[start]) return 0;
if (tab.idRangeOffset[start] != 0) {
glyfID = tab.glyphIdArray[code - tab.startCode[start] + (tab.idRangeOffset[start] >> 1) - (tab.idRangeOffset.length - start)];
} else glyfID = code + tab.idDelta[start];
glyfID = tab.glyphIdArray[unicode - tab.startCode[start] + (tab.idRangeOffset[start] >> 1) - (tab.idRangeOffset.length - start)];
} else glyfID = unicode + tab.idDelta[start];
glyfID &= 0xFFFF;
} else if (fmt == 6) {
CmapFormat6 tab = (CmapFormat6) table;
int index = code - tab.firstCode;
if (index < 0 || index >= tab.glyphIdArray.length) glyfID = 0;
else glyfID = tab.glyphIdArray[index];
int index = unicode - tab.firstCode;
if (0 <= index && index < tab.glyphIdArray.length) glyfID = tab.glyphIdArray[index];
} else if (fmt == 12) {
CmapFormat12 tab = (CmapFormat12) table;
if (code > tab.groups.get(tab.numGroups - 1).getMiddle()) return 0;
if (unicode > tab.groups.get(tab.numGroups - 1).getMiddle()) return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tab.numGroups; i++) {
if (tab.groups.get(i).getLeft() <= code && code <= tab.groups.get(i).getMiddle()) {
glyfID = tab.groups.get(i).getRight() + code - tab.groups.get(i).getLeft();
if (tab.groups.get(i).getLeft() <= unicode && unicode <= tab.groups.get(i).getMiddle()) {
glyfID = tab.groups.get(i).getRight() + unicode - tab.groups.get(i).getLeft();
@ -567,33 +524,54 @@ public class QueryTTF {
* 判断Unicode值是否在字体范围内
* 使用Unicode值获取轮廓索引
* @param code 传入Unicode十进制
* @return 返回bool查询结果
* @param unicode 传入Unicode
* @return 返回十进制轮廓索引
public boolean inLimit(int code) {
return (limitMix <= code) && (code <= limitMax);
public int getGlyfIndex(int unicode) {
var glyfIndex = unicodeToGlyphIndex.get(unicode);
if (glyfIndex == null) return 0;
return glyfIndex;
* 使用Unicode值获取轮廓数据
* @param key 传入Unicode十进制
* @param unicode 传入Unicode
* @return 返回轮廓数组的String值
public String getGlyfByCode(int key) {
return codeToGlyph.getOrDefault(key, "");
public String getGlyfByCode(int unicode) {
return unicodeToGlyph.getOrDefault(unicode, "");
* 使用轮廓数据获取Unicode值
* @param val 传入轮廓数组的String值
* @param glyph 传入轮廓数组的String值
* @return 返回Unicode十进制值
public int getCodeByGlyf(String val) {
public int getCodeByGlyf(String glyph) {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
return glyphToCode.getOrDefault(val, 0);
return glyphToUnicode.getOrDefault(glyph, 0);
* 字体轮廓数据转Hex字符串
* @param glyph 字体轮廓数据
* @return 返回轮廓数组的String值
public String getHexFromBytes(byte[] glyph) {
if (glyph == null) return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : glyph) {
String hex = Integer.toHexString(b);
if (hex.length() == 1) {
return sb.toString().toUpperCase();